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Your website, your social, your emails - something is not working and you can't put your finger on why.

You've invested years and hard earned dollars, and it still feels like your business is running around in marketing circles. You've built a team and/or hired pros, but the numbers are stale, the growth isn't there. I get it. As business owners we get bogged down to often in the daily doing of the business, and we can't prioritize scaling the business. We've been the #1 Sales and Marketing person for the company. You've said this, "No one knows my company or can sell my such and such like I can." Bad news - it's your fault. Good news, you're here.


How kickass would it be if a 30-year marketing and sales veteran could tap into your brain, download it, push it through the kickass marketing filter, and  shape it into a plan that works for you, your business, and most importantly your customers? The industry term is "fractional CMO" which means your business is at the tipping point that you need the experience of a Chief Marketing Officer, but your budget isn't there yet to prioritize a full-time hire. This is what it's like to hire Kickass Marketing as a consultant. Together, we strategize the what and why behind your biz and create your playbook for the how and by who, right now. You'll be rockin' a vetted and tested formula to skyrocket revenue and reach. No magic wand needed.


Woo! Makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck just thinkin' about it. Why? Because, kickin' ass is fun.

Ready to be in 100% control of your marketing and sales and know exactly where you're at and how to get to where you want to go? Push the button below to email me directly. Seriously, skip the rest of the website, you don't need it. 



Kickass Marketing and Creative - Carleen Clearwater

Name is

Carleen, but

They Call Me


Magic beans marketing solutions that promise to make it rain for your business are B.S.

What really burns my toast is the tsunami of coaches selling you a one-size fits all course to mold you into marketing masters of your own business "in just 12 weeks"! The gurus these days are slingin' so many magic beans the swarm can be seen from space.


At Kickass Marketing, success means coaching business owners to NOT BE YOUR OWN marketing and sales team. We help you nail down where you are at in your business, define who your customers are,  refine your revenue and reach goals, create a marketing and sales plan to crush, and determine who is the perfect fit for you to hire to execute that plan. And, because not one business owner have I ever met, wants to wait, I fine-tuned my Kickass Marketing tools so I can give my customers what they want - all of it and in one day. What the f%$#@!&*? Yes, together, we can get you to kickass in one day. 

Every small business owner I've met has survived the DIY death swirl.

There's absof!ckinglutely zero shame in the DIY game. It's how every single entrepreneur did it - myself included. Matter of fact, 47% of all small business owners don't have a marketing plan. What's changed? Your gut and your bottom line is telling you it's time to trust someone so you can scale up, get off the hamster wheel and start chasin' growth like a cheetah chasin' down dinner. All you need is some tools to get your genius out of your head so you can activate your team or hire a pro and into an actionable marketing plan with ideas and strategies to sky rocket your revenue and reach.  How am I different? I don't gatekeep my genius or experience for small businesses and entreprenuers that need the experience of a top-level CMO, but their budget isn't there yet. Want to join the 53%ers and have a plan right now? Book a complimentary Kickass Marketing Impact Assessment Call now, and I'll hook you up with some of my "start here" free templates and resources. No sales pitches or gimmicks. It's just different for everyone.  This is especially for you if you're ready to hire some help, but not sure who. I'm the best free 1/2 hour of marketing advice you'll ever get. I can tell you in that 30 minutes, where and with who to invest time and dime with first with critical budget. My Rolodex is huuuuge and I love to make kickass referrals to someone who fits your needs and budget.

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